
Vasectomy Surgery.jpg

Vasectomy is a common procedure performed on men to achieve sterility. It can be performed under local anaesthetic, sedation or general anaesthetic, but Mr MacLeod's preference is to perform this procedure under general anaesthetic.

How long does the Surgery take?

The operation takes 10-minutes or so to perform, through a small incision on either side of the scrotum. Local anaesthetic is used to numb the area and the incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures. The procedure is performed as a day surgery, and arrangements are made to see Mr MacLeod a fortnight or so later.

What should I expect following my vasectomy?

  • Discomfort. This is variable amongst patients, but is rarely severe. You will be discharged with painkillers and instructions for icepacks and supportive underwear.
  • Swelling. Any operation on the scrotum comes with associated bruising and swelling, which is usually of minimal consequence and resolves after a week or so. A firm painful swelling may rarely represent a haematoma (collection of blood), which often will also resolve with time but may rarely need drainage.
  • Problems – Rare complications of vasectomy include bleeding, infection, damage to the blood supply of the testicle (very rare), and failure of the procedure.
  • At the follow up appointment, Mr MacLeod will arrange for you to have a semen-analysis at the 12-week post operative mark which will confirm the procedure has been successful. Prior to this confirmation we recommend the continuation of contraception.